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Teaching Wee Violinists Training

ON ZOOM February 20-21, 9:00-12:30 (Mountain)

Service Description

"Every Suzuki teacher needs this training. It takes teaching foundation to a higher level of refinement and FUN!" -Workshop Participant Discover joyful new ways to unlock technical excellence and musicality in "wee" students in this live, online training. Be a Leader Wee Violin is the first and only beginning violin curriculum that uses real music from around the world to prepare a student for level 1 repertoire. Be the first in the field to learn how to use the Wee Violin repertoire to build musically and technically proficient students in a joyful and organic way. Gain Confidence in Wee Repertoire In Wee Violin Teacher Workshop we will sing, dance and play to each song in the repertoire showing multiple ways how to use the music in Wee Violin to build technique and increase musicality organically and joyfully. Support Students in Beginning Lessons The beginning lessons are the most crucial in both setting up the technique a violinist will use in their life and in creating a peaceful, loving and joyful music learning experience. This workshop will show you how the repertoire in Wee Violin can create peaceful practices, loving lessons and joyful music making all while building violin technique and musicality that will be used throughout your student’s lifetime Collaborate with Colleagues Teacher Workshops are full of brilliant, talented and dedicated pedagogues striving to improve their craft. Each day will begin and end with a round table discussion on how to build technique, develop musicality, and run an efficient studio. Come ready to share your expertise and learn from others. Schedule Session 1 - Thursday, February 20, 9:00-12:30 AM (Mountain) Discussion: Developing posture, violin seat, bow hold, left hand and contact point Repertoire: Birch Tree - Still, Still, Still: foundational five Session 2 - Friday, February 21, 9:00-12:30 AM (Mountain) Discussion: Developing rhythm and the bow arm Repertoire: Dancing Josie - Funga Alafia: the bow arm Session 3 - Saturday, February 22, 9:00-12:00 AM (Mountain) Discussion: Developing pitch and the left hand Repertoire: John - Annie: the left hand All participants will receive 1 year access to the online course, Teaching Wee Violinists, where they can review all recordings, download all materials, and join the monthly think tanks.

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